Latin American Workshop on Computational Neuroscience
São João del-Rei, MG - Brazil - September, 18-20, 2019


Click here to download the Final Program in detail

Wednesday, 18th
7:30 End of the day Registration
8:30 9:45 Keynote speaker presentation I: Julian Tejada. (UFS, Brazil) - Reproducible computational neuroscience.
9:45 10:15 Coffee Break
10:15 11:00 Oral presentation of accepted papers - session A
11:00 12:15 Keynote speaker presentation II: Diego Hernán Peluffo-Ordóñez (Yachay Tech, Ecuador) - Kernel-based approaches for time-varying data analysis within unsupervised settings
12:15 14:00 LUNCH
14:00 15:30 Oral presentation of accepted papers - session B
15:30 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 17:15 Keynote speaker presentation III: Ives Cavalcante Passos (UFRGS, Brazil) - Machine Learning Techniques meet Health Sciences
17:15 18:00 Open Ceremony

Thursday, 19th
8:30 9:45 Oral presentation of accepted papers - session C
9:45 10:15 Coffee Break
10:15 11:00 Oral presentation of accepted papers - session D
11:00 12:15 Keynote speaker presentation V: Gabriela Castellano (UNICAMP, Brazil) - Investigation of brain changes associated to cognitive and rehabilitation training
12:15 14:00 LUNCH
14:00 15:15 Keynote speaker presentation IV: Jim Torresen (University of Oslo, Norway) - Sensing Human State with Application in Older People Care and Mental Health Treatment
15:15 16:15 Poster session with extended coffe break
16:15 16:45 Oral presentation of accepted papers - session E
16:45 18:00 Keynote speaker presentation VI: Michela Chiappalone (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy) - Closed-loop neuroprosthetics for brain repair: from in vitro to in vivo studies and beyond

Friday, 20th
8:30 9:45 Oral presentation of accepted papers - session F
9:45 10:15 Coffee Break
10:15 11:00 Oral presentation of accepted papers - session G
11:00 12:15 Keynote speaker presentation VII: Márcio Moraes (UFMG, Brazil) - Hijacking brain oscillations: A system’s view on Epilepsy
12:15 14:00 LUNCH
14:00 15:30 Oral presentation of accepted papers - session H
15:30 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 17:15 Keynote speaker presentation VIII: Sidarta Tollendal Gomes Ribeiro (UFRN, Brazil) - Memory, sleep and dreams
17:15 18:00 Closing ceremony